
Only have to; just by; only by [verb]-ing

Related (and more common): chí-iàu


Chí-beh khéng phah-piàⁿ, mā ē chhut-thâu-thiⁿ.

If you are only willing to work hard, you will become successful.


Tāi-sêng Hu̍t-kàu chông-pài hu̍t-siōng, jīn-ûi bô-it-tēng ài chhut-ke, chí-beh sim-lāi ū hu̍t, chóng-ū 1-kang kāng-khóan mā-ē chiâⁿ-chòe hu̍t.

In Mahayana Buddhism there is worship of statues of the Buddha, as well as the belief that a person doesn’t necessarily have to leave his family (and join a monastary), but only needs to have the Buddha in his heart, and there will come a day when he will in the same way become a Buddha.

Published in: on August 29, 2007 at 11:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

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